The news magazine RÆSON – Denmarks leading journal on international politics – is in partnership with Rysensteen Gymnasium launching a series of seminars in English, featuring a unique cast of guests from politics, academia, the media and the world of business. These events will be held in the very heart of the city at Flæsketorvet 60 in Kødbyen on weekday afternoons from 4:30-6.30 PM.

The idea is very simple: To establish a permanent forum for international debate, which is something we believe Denmark is sorely missing. And the approach? The questions will be very difficult and the atmosphere very informal.

Our first event takes place on February 25th featuring professor Vincent Hendricks (speaking about democracy and tech), professor Katherine Richardson (about the current state of the climate) and anchor/publisher Clement Kjersgaard (about power). Each of them will deliver a brief opening presentation followed by a lively debate with most of the time reserved for questions from the audience.

Ticket: 299 DKR

Ticket for subscribers to RÆSON/ÆRA: 149 DKR (with a subscription you can buy two tickets at this discount)